Local & NationWide Resources

Bold Mind Therapy is not an emergency or crisis service:

Please call 911 or for a mental health crisis text 988 (More info)

(You can ask for a crisis intervention team with either number)


National Domestic Violence Hotline 1- 800-799-7233

Lifeline Crisis Chat (Online live Messaging) https://988lifeline.org/chat

Essentials LOCAL community services Dial 211, https://www.211.org/

Veterans Crisis Line https://www.veteranscrisisline.net

AIDS Crisis Hotline 1- 800- 221- 7044

LGBT Hotline 1- 888- 843- 4564

TREVOR Crisis Hotline (Youth LGBT) 1- 866- 488- 7386

Self Harm Hotline

1- 800- 366- 8288 (800 - DONT CUT)

Planned Parenthood Hotline

1- 800- 230- 7526

National Crisis Line - Anorexia & Bulimia

1- 800- 233- 4357

National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependency Hope Line

1- 800- 622- 2255

Local to Silicon Valley Areas

Mountain View

City of Mountain View Mental Health Services

Palo Alto

Allcove: A youth space in Palo Alto providing mental health, physical health, employment, and substance use resourcing. (650) 798 6330

Children’s Health Council (CHC): Provides services for all ages, Parent Education, and more. 650-688-3625 / Español: 650-688-3650.

Santa Clara

Mental Health Call Center (Santa Clara County) (Ages 4 - 20) 24/7 access for all individuals and families currently covered by Medi-cal or uninsured 1-800-704-0900

TRUST Mobile Services (18+) Trusted Response Urgent Support Team (408) 596-7290

Hours: Open 24-hours, 7 days a week. Non-law enforcement approach More Info.

mental Health

Anxiety & Depression Association of America https://adaa.org/books

Journal Of Happiness Studies Interdisciplary Forum on Subjective Wellbeing

Mental Health America Free Depression Screening

National Institute of Mental Health NIMH on ADD/ADHD

Obssessive-Compulsion Disorder from the Mayo Clinic