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We’re here to listen without judgment. This is a safe space for you to be yourself and share whatever’s on your mind.
— Lisa Romero, LPCC

So much change and so much happening in this stage of life! We get it.

Teens face pressures in

Academia - Often expectations to excel with grades and extracurricular activities can be overwhelming and lead to anxiety and/or depression.

Socially - Teenagers often face immense pressure to fit in and are deeply impacted by social challenges: feeling left out, social anxiety, bullying, the need to maintain social norms and a particular image.

Family Conflict - arguments with parents and siblings can leave a teenager with feelings of guilt, anger, resentment or depression.

Mental Health: anxiety, adhd, depression, and other mental health issues.

Biological factors: frequent sleep disruptions/insomnia, puberty, medical concerns and diagnosis, nutritional deficiencies, experimenting and us of substances

It can get complicated for teens, we’re here for you.

In the first session, we'll focus on getting to know you. We want to hear from you, you are our priority. We'll talk about what's bringing you in, what you're hoping to get out of therapy, and answer any questions you have. It's all about figuring out how we can best support you on your journey.

 Misconceptions about Therapy

  • Sometimes talking about an issue is so distressing that you rather avoid it because you don't want to experience the stress or pain. However, wou may experience an increase of emotion before you start to feel better because you are processing a range of emotions that you are not used to processing. That is where we come in to support you through this discomfort.

  • We wish just as much as anyone that therapy would solve everything. Some think that simply because you talked to someone about the issue you are supposed to feel relief and overall better. Talking about it is the first step, unfortunately healing will not be immediate or even overnight. Don't be discouraged, you will experience progress in how you respond and manage the issues.

  • Therapy is comprised of evidenced based practices and modalities that have been proven to help individuals heal and change their lives. This includes various methods of play and relationship building to provide a safe space where individuals can be honest and themselves. This way we can target what is at the core of the issue and be more helpful to you.

  • On the contrary to weak, seeking therapy is a brave and BOLD act as you are recognizing that there is something wrong in your life or the way that you are responding and admitting you may need some help around it. We believe this is at the core of therapy, the BOLD step you take to say, I don't know what else to do and I can really use some help and support.

    Mental or emotional breakdown are not likely to happen as often as the ongoing pain and distress that sits with you over an issue. Therefore you don't want to wait until you have a breakdown to tell you therapy is needed. Sometimes it is the thing that causes someone to seek therapy and that's ok, however, if you notice that there is an issue or issues in you life and don't know what to do, don't wait for a breakdown. Seek a therapist as soon as possible to help you through.